la nature !

situer les Alpilles sur la carte de France

Des activités de pleine nature dans les Alpilles

Come and discover the Alpilles and its  surrounding area with fun and sport outdoor activities. Safety and for every one, take advantage of a professionnal personalize guidance in ordre to live an unique experience.

Qui je suis
Voir tous les avis
Parcours aventure
Parcours aventure
Via Ferrata/Tyrolienne
Via Ferrata/Tyrolienne
Stage multi-activités
Stage multi-activités

Prenez de la hauteur
& découvrez les oiseaux des Alpilles
Sorties à thème

Sports de nature et éco-tourisme

The practice of outdoor sport in the Natural Regional Parc of the Alpilles is a senzitive experience, a real and sustainable moment of joy ! Rich the summit : a sportive challenge and maybe the opportunity to see an unusual bird, to discover a century-old shrub or a fossil from the Jurassic periode ! An emotional adventure on-hand.

Encadrement professionnel reconnu

Fully licensed (BEES & DE) and national network of professional from climbing member, I perceive my job both as instructor, educator and as facilitator. Installed in the middle of the Alpilles, in Saint Rémy de Provence, I supervise diversified public (clubs, schools, families, groups…) all year round.